BoBo A-Go-Go

Can't get enough of the cutest girl in town? Then you need BoBo-A-GO-GO, For all your daily Bo updates!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Brew Kettle

I took my new friend Sienna out for a night on the town. We had some mead at the Brew Kettle & talked about baby stuff. Girlfriends are the best!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

How Do You Like It, Huh?

STOP HOUNDING ME, YOU DAMN PAPARAZZI!! (Just practicng being dramatic for when I become a famous actress and am followed by Actual photographers.)

Christmas Loot

Christmas was awesome!!! I got tons of really sweet stuff. I was trying to take pictures of all my things when someone's camera batteries took a dump. I managed to get my favorite things snapped, though. I'm sure you all recall my deep love for Noggin and its always entertaining hosts, Moose & Zee. Well, mommy & aunt Candice crafted me the most wonderful mini-mural of Noggin-world!! All my guys are there and puppies and flowers. It's the best. And I got a Moose & Zee calendar, though admittedly I have no idea what a calendar is.

I'm Back, Baby!

I understand there have been some complaints about my long absence (you know who you are...). It was the holidays. I'm a busy girl. Cut me some slack!
Anyway, my loser mom never has time to help me at the 'puter cuz she's perpetually knitting. Here I am modeling the lovely scarf she made me - to match hers. (Dork!!!)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Grampoo's Shoes

HA HA, Grandpa! Look at me!!!!!!

Oh, Tannenbaum

Aunt Candice is the bestest!! She got me my first Christmas tree since my old mom Scrooge said it wasn't necessary. Mom was all "Bo won't even remember..." but guess what, lady? That's what pictures are for! Anway, Aunt Candice got this great tree and she decorated it with cuties and hubbas that won't hurt me if I decide to taste them. Yay! Every morning I wake up and say "OOOHH" when I see it. True story. I swear.

Me & My Kitty

This is my favorite stuffed guy. I give him hugs and kisses and wish he was real. My landlord has a strict No-Kitty policy, so I guess he'll have to do. Mom says his name is Arthur, but I hear she thinks all orange kitties are named that.

Fancy Girl

Hello, dahlings! I'm off to the fancy-lady meeting, or whatever it is you ladies do when you wear these tall shoes. And for the last time, No Paparazzi!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I brush all 16 of my teeth so they don't fall out. Mom makes me do it in the tub so I don't get spit on my good stuff. Dental hygiene is da bomb!

Vintage Duds

Who likes my vintage 90's "grunge" dress? Huh? I said who likes it? I look pretty cool, so thanks to my Aunts & G-Ma for the wicked hand-me-down!


Saturday was pretty cool. I got in my power lounging chair, grabbed a drink & a couple of snacks and kicked back to watch the OSU game. I'm sweet...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Favorite Book

I got this book for my birthday from Aunt Molly and when you push the button it goes "BLAH!!" It's sooooo good. There are other buttons that sing and when I push those it makes me dance. And when I push the "BLAH!!" button, then I say "BLAH!!" and Mommy says "BLAH!!" and Grandpa says "BLAH!!". It's awesome!

My Favorite Channel

I'm totally into NOGGIN because it's the best channel ever. I get to learn all kinds of stuff by watching the educational shows, plus I just can't get enough of that Moose & Zee stuff. Those 2 are great! Their songs, their games... I love them. Here I am loving them. They make me so happy...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Yes!!! It was finally Halloween. I know I had one last year, but I totally don't remember it so this was really monumental for me. I had a sweet party at school with a parade & I got to wear my costume. Then when I got home I got candy in my pumpkin that came all the way from Florida! (Thanks Great-Grandma!!) Mom said we'll save real Trick-Or-Treating for next year. (I'm only 1 AND it was raining-ish)
I digress. I was Princess Leia & I looked awesome. What little girl doesn't want to be a princess?

I Love Cleveland

It wasn't even Halloween yet, but I had to bust out the longjohns. Freezing, snow, the whole nine yards. Mom says thermal underwear is a must in this unpredictable climate of C-Town! I NEED to snuggle my blankie...

Bo The Photog

I took these pictures myself. Not bad, huh? The plate of cheese represents my desire to ease the plight of world hunger. The pumpkin represents my mad painting skills cuz I totally made it at this dorky fall-fest my mom & Aunt Natasha took me to. (But there was a pony, so I guess it wasn't that dorky.)